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unban_pubkeys type data

The unban_pubkeys method will remove all currently banned pubkeys from your ban list, or specific pubkeys from a user defined list.

Use the secp256k1 pubkey without prefix for this method input. E.g. if pubkey is 022cd3021a2197361fb70b862c412bc8e44cff6951fa1de45ceabfdd9b4c520420 you should submit 2cd3021a2197361fb70b862c412bc8e44cff6951fa1de45ceabfdd9b4c520420.

pubkeystringthe pubkey to ban
unban_by.typestringAll to unban all pubkeys, or Few to provide a list of pubkeys to unban
unban_by.datalistA list of pubkeys to unbanned. Only required when type is Few.

still_bannedlistList of pubkeys which remain banned. For each pubkey, the reason it was banned pubkey.reason and the type of of ban pubkey.type is also returned.
unbannedlistList of pubkeys which were unbanned. For each pubkey, the reason it was banned pubkey.reason and the type of of ban pubkey.type is also returned.
were_not_bannedlistIf using unban_by.type: Few this will return a list of pubkeys which were not banned, but had been requested to be unbanned.

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "unban_pubkeys",
  "unban_by": {
    "type": "All"

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "unban_pubkeys",
  "unban_by": {
    "type": "Few"
  "data": [